Emergency Ordinance Threatens Largest Breeding Colony of Tricolored Blackbirds in Los Angeles County

In October, 2008, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors approved Ordinance No. 2008-00052U, Water Conservation Requirements for the Unincorporated Los Angeles County Area. According to West Valley County Water District President Mr. John Gaglione, due to this Ordinance, WVCWD is no longer able to pump water into Holiday Lake, and Holiday Lake will be allowed to dry up. Holiday Lake is located in the Antelope Valley, in the community of Holiday Valley. Many birds and other wildlife species make Holiday Lake their home and the largest breeding colony of tricolored blackbirds in Los Angeles County in 2008 (according to the results of the 2008 Statewide Tricolored Blackbird Survey) occurred at Holiday Lake. Thus, should Holiday Lake be allowed to dry up, the largest breeding colony of tricolored blackbirds in Los Angeles County will be eliminated. Members of the Tricolored Blackbird Working Group are working with concerned local citizens to restore water deliveries to Holiday Lake to conserve the breeding colony of tricolored blackbirds.